Lower blepharoplasty is, arguably, the most difficult operation in cosmetic plastic surgery for many reasons: we see, for second, third and fourth opinions more patients who have had cosmetic lower eyelid blepharoplasty than any other condition. The lower eyelids guard the cornea and the eyeball: therefore, any misalignment of the lower eyelid or it’s ability to protect the cornea and provide a tear film is complicated by dryness, discomfort, tearing and visual problems.

A careful analysis and an anatomical and physiological approach is called for. Every lower eyelid patient we see is different from the last: cookie-cutter surgery where the same procedure is performed on every patient simply does not give the patient the best result.

Design of the lower eyelid blepharoplasty includes attention to many different details: once these factors are addressed, a nice, healthy-looking, and clean result is possible as shown in several patients on this page.

Analysis of facial aging by Dr BCK Patel MD, FRCS of Salt Lake City and St. George, Utah
Hammock Lift by Dr. BCK Patel MD, FRCS
Hammock Lift by Dr. BCK Patel MD, FRCS

Lower blepharoplasty is often combined with repositioning of fat, tightening of tendons, smoothing of skin, improvement in wrinkles, improvement of crow’s feet, shallowing of the malar and nasojugal grooves, augmentation of the cheeks, cheek lifts, fat removal to some degree and eyelid repositioning, among other procedures. It is therefore apparent that lower cosmetic blepharoplasty should not be handled by the occasional surgeon but by one who performs this type of surgery regularly and is aware of the possible problems that may occur if not appropriately planned and executed!

Revision facelift and necklift in a female showing improvement of the jowls and neck by Dr BCK Patel MD, FRCS of Salt Lake City and St. George, Utah
Lower blepharoplasty and cheek lifts by Dr BCK Patel MD, FRCS of Salt Lake City and St. George, Utah
Facelift and necklift giving a beautiful result; Surgery by Dr. BCK Patel MD, FRCS, Salt Lake City, Patel Plastic Surgery